The divine redistribution of fees

2 min readOct 28, 2021
tax distribution

Oy oy oy, valiant knights ⚔️! Take the time to read this paper to be covered with laurels⚜️

Who never dreamed, to always get tokens during public/private sales? Don’t miss any more IDOs and invest in the best crypto projects, being 100% sure to get tokens, thanks to LysCapital ⚜️!

How does the redistribution work?


  • Allocations will be given through the FCFS (First Come First Serve) system. No need to hold tens of thousands of dollars worth of tokens. You will have to be the fastest to get an allocation.
  • The platform will charge between 10–30% in tokens, on your allocations. This percentage can be brought down to 5% if you burn a certain number of $LYS ⚜️

A part of the collected fees, currently 30%, is given to all $LYS stakers, proportionally to their stake.

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For example: Let’s say we are giving to the community an allocation of 300'000 tokens of a specific project. In this case let’s create a fake ticker -> AKO.

On that operation the DAO will take a fee between 10–30% of AKO tokens from the project. So here the platform could be taking 50'000 AKO. On those 50'000 we will redistribute 30% to the LYS stakers.
So if 1 million of LYS is staked and that you hold 100'000 LYS you will receive 10% of the pool, which makes: 5'000 AKO tokens.

The calculation is as follows, for E the number of tokens you will get: E = (Your stake/Total stake)*Number of tokens to distribute

How to get the redistribution?📈

Getting tokens via redistribution is very simple and free! No need to burn your tokens, or put them in a liquidity pool.
Just stake your $LYS on the dashboard more than 30 days.⚜️
To know: Staked $LYS become $xLYS. You can exchange it at any time for $LYS at the ratio of 1:1.

So enjoy investing in the best projects of the crypto sphere very soon with our native token: $LYS ⚜️
IDO on our website on Wednesday, November 10 💖

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